Getting Images from a Scanner

6.  From the File menu, select Get Images from Scanner or select the Scanner Capture Tool  from the toolbar.

7.  FotoFinish will display the name of the device that it thinks is currently selected for image transfer. If your scanner does not appear as the currently selected device, click Select New Device to see a list of other devices that you can select.  If your scanner is not listed here, it may not have been installed properly.  Please consult the scanner’s documentation for further information.

Select your scanner

8.  At the Confirmation dialog, check to make sure your scanner is connected to your computer and turned on and click Get Photos.

9.  FotoFinish will open the TWAIN interface to your scanner where you can scan your document. The scanned image will be placed in a new FotoFinish document. This file is not yet saved. To save it, choose Save As from the file menu and select the file format of your choice.

10. Once the scanner is connected and turned on, select Get Image from Scanner.